Sunday, September 27, 2009

Essay 1 Thesis in the Making

During our speeches last week, one of our classmates discussed education that happens outside of the classroom. Until then, I hadn't really thought of our course's theme in those terms. I was narrowly focused on the socially accepted definition of education in the classroom. Her ideas made me start to think of where else I've experienced an educational moment. This led me to realize that during my faith journey, I've had many learning opportunities. Although I don't have a definitive thesis yet, I'm thinking about basing it on learning about faith through a journey and all of the influences that assist with the process. If you're reading this post, I'd appreciate your thoughts about this potential thesis. Thanks!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Sad Struggle Between Good and Evil

Sadness. When Isaac shoots Henry and his wife in "Color Me Butterfly", it's not just the sadness of someone losing their life that is at play. It is the sadness of watching another being tortured with the choice between good and bad. Even more so, seeing them choose the wrong side, a side that affects their life and diminishes a piece of their soul. This reminded me of two other literary characters Anakin Skywalker and Grima Wormtongue. It broke my heart watching Anakin struggle between his deep love for his mother and wife, and the need to control life over death. Although his intentions were good, he chose the wrong path. For Grima, he wanted to feel love and be in a place of importance. I felt his sadness when he watched the enormous army of orcs that were bread for the sole purpose of wiping out all of humanity. Sadly, his struggle for forgiveness gives way to his fear of retaliation from Sarumon. Fortunately, for Anakin, he seeks for and receives forgiveness in the end. Unfortunately, something in Isaac broke. When he "stammered for words, the fear of God rising in him" (89) that's the last bit of true humanity seen in Isaac. It quickly leaves because he chooses being right and being given what is due him. How different the story would have been if he would have stopped there, asked Henry for forgiveness, and turned himself in. Instead, Isaac turns the blame onto Henry and shoots him as well. The only reason he turns himself in at this point is out of pride, to say that no one would take advantage of the great Isaac. Sadness. For the loss of one's soul without regret is never an occasion for celebration.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Educational Perspective

Education is a powerful gift. It is a gift to both the learner and the teacher. For the learner or student, education is a means to learn about the individual, the family, and the community. Reaching out further, knowledge can be gained about city, state and country. Expanding more, one can learn about the world and the universe. Students take this knowledge and become responsible members of society. They are able to go out into the world and make a living, take care of their families and contribute to their communities. Furthermore, they can find solutions to problems such as how to cure diseases or how to build a livable environment on a faraway planet.

On the other hand, teachers experience the educational gift through the passing of knowledge. By engaging he student in the academic process, teachers can influence future generations and ensure their legacy. I know I'll never forget Mrs. Fitzpatrick and how she made learning fun through the use of stories and games. Now, when I try to teach something to my daughter, I think think of Mrs. Fitzpatrick and try to find a creative and fun way to teach Anamaria. Mrs. Fitzpatrick's style was so helpful because the hands-on learning experience is really the way I learn best. Anything that is creative works for me. It keeps my attention.

This is part of the reason why I believe that there should be an evaluation of a student's personal learning style. That way, a student can be put into the environment where they would learn the best and be like an absorbent sponge. Students would then feel more empowered and be more successful in class instead of feeling inadequate compared to their contemporary who is better suited for a particular learning style.

What greater gift could there be?