Sunday, September 27, 2009

Essay 1 Thesis in the Making

During our speeches last week, one of our classmates discussed education that happens outside of the classroom. Until then, I hadn't really thought of our course's theme in those terms. I was narrowly focused on the socially accepted definition of education in the classroom. Her ideas made me start to think of where else I've experienced an educational moment. This led me to realize that during my faith journey, I've had many learning opportunities. Although I don't have a definitive thesis yet, I'm thinking about basing it on learning about faith through a journey and all of the influences that assist with the process. If you're reading this post, I'd appreciate your thoughts about this potential thesis. Thanks!


  1. I really like this tentative thesis. Most people do focus on education in the narrow "dictionary definition". What's great about this is that you didn't just say you want to write about ALL education outside the classroom. You narrowed it down to a specific type of outside education: faith. Just from hearing you speak in class, I can tell that your faith is extremely important to you and that you will be able to draw many experiences to write a passionate essay.

  2. I think faith is definitely a journey that affects us in and outside of the classroom. If we do not believe in ourselves and have the faith of those that stand behind us, this educational journey can seem like a tough one. Faith is something that we all have, whether we acknowledge it or not. Along with an unbelievable amount of faith, it’s important for us to have people who can help us grow in our own faith to help prepare us for the journey that lies ahead.
