Saturday, December 5, 2009

Parting Thoughts

As we wrap up the end of the semester, and the end of the year, I wanted to say what a pleasure it has been being in class with everyone. This class was a great way to begin my reentry into college life, and you all made it a positive experience. Either directly or indirectly you have inspired me, made me think more critically about certain things or look at something from a different angle. For instance, I loved Constance’s story about the princess earlier this semester and Sarah’s perspective on Crooked River Burning this past week. I hope to be able to incorporate some creative storytelling to my future projects and to not be so rigid in how I think a story should be written. We will all be in flux as life is a great learning process, and I wish you all many blessings throughout all of your transitions.

1 comment:

  1. Christina, thank you for being who you are. Everytime I saw you , you were working hard to accomplish your goal. I appreciate the care that you showed to me. One day I came in, and you walked with me to the pop machine just to see if I was ok. I have met some great people in this class and you are one of them. I will be calling on you to sing at my church.
